Hyojeong Son

Hello! I'm Hyojeong, a fourth-year graduate student in the Mathematics Department at the University of Washington, Seattle, working under Professor Christopher Hoffman. I specialize in discrete probability, focusing on particle models like activated random walks and sandpiles. Additionally, I explore stable matching problems, investigating the number of possible matchings based on different preference structures.

Welcome to my personal webpage! You can reach me at hjson@math.washington.edu, and my office is Padelford C-8K.

Profile Picture


📝 Activated Random Walks on ℤ with Critical Particle Density
😊 Madeline Brown, Christopher Hoffman, and Hyojeong Son

📝 Cut-off for Sandpiles on Tiling Graphs
😊 Robert Hough and Hyojeong Son
Annals of Probability, 49(2), pp. 671–731 (2021)

📝 The Spectrum of the Abelian Sandpile Model
😊 Robert Hough and Hyojeong Son
Mathematics of Computation, 90(327), pp. 441–469 (2021)

Teaching Experience

Math 111 (Algebra): Fall 2022

Math 125 (Calculus II): Fall 2021, Winter 2022, Fall 2023

Math 126 (Calculus III): Spring 2022, Summer 2022

Math 207 (Differential Equations): Winter 2023, Spring 2023

Math 394 (Probability I): Winter 2024, Fall 2024

Math 395 (Probability II): Spring 2024, Winter 2025

Mentoring and Projects

🧩 Washington Experimental Mathematics Lab (Spring 2024)
Mentored undergraduates on projects involving voting data, map analysis, and ecological inference in the Yakima Valley area.

🧩 Graduate Student-Led Reading Program, WashU (Spring 2020)
Organized and led a reading group for math undergraduates, focusing on sandpiles.

Honors and Awards